In the Sardinian neighborhood of Sardina is one of the dive sites most frequented by divers. It is a large bay, the refuge of the ravages of the ocean and the force of the wind, ideal for those who wish to start diving, lovers of underwater photography and night dives. A promenade that runs from the small yellow sand beach to the last pier will allow us to prepare our equipment in comfort. Access to water, as well as the exit, is the easiest from the stairs of one of the docks.
medre-wales, angels, chuchos, tablecloths, burritos listed, snorers, horse mackerels, blacksmiths, garden eels, giant anemones and a long etc., are the almost daily inhabitants of the Sardina funds. Searching among its different verile species such as sponge fish, it becomes a fun game. And, always alert, the bicudas and bogas sometimes offer entertainment worth seeing.
At the time of leaving, after a bath of underwater life, nothing better than cooling comfortably in one of the restaurants on the seafront. paragraph