Elegir Mascar de buceo


  Centro buceo  Gran  Canaria

Máscara de buceo, cómo elegir la que me queda bien

No matter how good and expensive the diving mask is or how well it matches your eye color. If the diving mask does not seal you well you will spend the entire dive super uncomfortable with atrickle of water entering your eyebrow or skirt.

The positive part is that you will become an expert in the exercise of emptying the mask. But believe me, it's not worth it. It is really uncomfortable and it will annoy your immersion.

The diving mask is almost the first item of equipment you should buy when you finish the diving course.

On the one hand it is a relatively inexpensive element of diving equipment, so it is not necessary to spend much to significantly improve your diving dives.

On the other hand because wearing a mask that seals well is essential to be comfortable in the dive and that mask that seals you well will not always be able to find it among the rental team of the dive center where you are, so it is better that Take her home.

Original article: Dive mask, how to choose the one that fits me well written by Iberian Diving

How to choose your diving mask !!
Do you remember the hat of Hogwarts in Harry Potter? Well in this case the same: You do not choose the mask, the mask chooses you. And how is this? Well, as much as you like a mask, if it doesn't fit you properly, it will end up in the corner of the unused diving tackle (which when it acquires enough mass, ends up in the second-hand market).

Try on the mask before buying it: Without putting on the tape. Aspire through the nose. Look down. Shake your head. If the mask does not fall: it is yours.

Everything else is secondary. The material of which it is composed, if the skirt is longer or shorter, the color, the design ... are additional features. That does not mean that they are not important, only that they come in second place.

If the one with the longest skirt seals you well, it is the one you need. If the continuous glass is well sealed, it is what you need.

And once you've found 2 or 3 that seal you well, that's when you can start thinking about other features to finish deciding between them. Make sure your forehead doesn't hit you with the glass, which then in the water is very uncomfortable. If you are going to want to graduate the mask, you need one that has separate crystals for each eye, on the contrary, if when you put it on you can see the joint between the crystals, you may prefer a continuous crystal one in which it will not happen to you.

The most expensive diving masks are usually made with better materials so they will last longer (and usually also have a better design). Black avoids reflections and better withstand the sun. White and transparent are better in the photos but it is easier for them to turn yellow. The less space between the mask and the face, the less it will cost to compensate, but remember, you have to fit your nose ...

Approach the dive shop and try them on. Let yourself be advised, after seeing 200 faces a week and finding the mask that is best for each one, surely the clerk knows just by looking at you which are the diving masks that can be good for you.

But remember: make sure it seals well.
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